Oprah Daily: "Playwright and Memoirist Sarah Ruhl on Writing as a Form of Healing and Connection"
3Views on Theater: "Our Story-Sarah Ruhl"
Lit Hub: "A Poem by Sarah Ruhl from her Latest Collection"
The Atlantic: "Notes from a Videochat Memorial"
The New York Times: "Broadway is Closed. Write Poems Instead."
Poets & Writers: "Writer's Block: Variations on a Superstition"
The New York Times: "An Introvert's Guide to Friendship: What my student taught me about one of life's most important relationships"
The New York Times: "The Trump-Less Kennedy Center Honors"
American Theatre: "A Few Things About My Mother: Sarah Ruhl Interviews Kathleen Ruhl"
HowlRound: "Finding the Common Room: Remarks from playwright Sarah Ruhl on accepting the Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust Distinguished Playwright of the Year Award at Lincoln Center"
The New Republic: "An Interview with Max Ritvo: It takes a lot of chutzpah to reincarnate"
Narrative Magazine: "On Homesickness"
Narrative Magazine: "Summer, Rhode Island and Other Poems"
The New York Times: "Sarah Ruhl and Rebecca Taichman on Conjuring ‘Becky Nurse of Salem’"
Playbill: "Sarah Ruhl & Lynn Nottage on How They Transformed Their Acclaimed Plays Into Operas"
American Theatre: "The 3Views Pivot: From Diversifying Criticism to Memorializing Canceled Shows"
L.A. Times: "At L.A. Opera, Sarah Ruhl Summons the Call of 'Eurydice'"
San Francisco Chronicle: "Sarah Ruhl Wonders How 'The Crucible' Would Be Had Arthur Miller Been a Woman"
American Theatre: "Can 3Views Change Theatre Criticism?"
Bomb Magazine: "The Porous Fabric Between Life and Death: An Interview with Sarah Ruhl"
Yale Daily News: "A Friend Like a Comet: An Interview With Sarah Ruhl"
HowlRound: "A Lover's Guide to American Playwrights-Sarah Ruhl"
The New York Times: "Sarah Ruhl: By the Book"
Washington Square Review: "An Interview with Sarah Ruhl"
Berfrois: "A Few Important Emails Between Max Ritvo and Sarah Ruhl"
The Adroit Journal: "A Narrative Conversation with Sarah Ruhl"
HowlRound: "Sarah Ruhl in Conversation with P. Carl"
The New Yorker: Surreal Life: The Pays of Sarah Ruhl
Bomb Magazine: "Sarah Ruhl, by Paula Vogel"
The New York Times: "Playwright's Subjects: Greek Myth to Vibrators"
Workshop With Signature Theatre: Sarah Ruhl Workshop: Where Poetry Meets Playwriting
Copper Canyon Press: Line/Break with Sarah Ruhl
Classic Stage Company: Classic Conversations with Sarah Ruhl
Vanity Fair: Sarah Ruhl's Reasons to Keep Writing--Remarks for the 2020 Whiting Award Winners
RoundHouse Theatre: Playwrights on Plays: Sarah Ruhl
Trickle Up-NYC Artists Network: Poem #1
The Story Theatre: Interview with Sarah Ruhl: Late, A Cowboy Song
PBS: Sarah Ruhl: She Ruhls
Dramatists Guild Foundation: Tina Howe & Sarah Ruhl
National Theater Conference: Interview with 2018 NTC Person of the Year Sarah Ruhl
Concord Theatricals: Samuel French Playwright Conversations: Sarah Ruhl's EURYDICE
Soho Rep: Chekhov & Me-Sarah Ruhl
13 Playwrights, Inc.: Playwright #13:Sarah Ruhl
Lincoln Center Theater: Sarah Ruhl
All Of It with Alison Stewart "A Memoir on Living with Bell's Palsy"
Stage Craft Podcast-Variety: "Swerving to Serve a Theater Community in Lockdown"
L.A. Opera Podcasts: Behind the Curtain: "Building an Opera: A Conversation with the Creators of Eurydice"
Skylight Books Podcast Series: "STAGES w/ Sarah Ruhl"
Metta Hour with Sharon Salzberg: "Ep #100: Sarah Ruhl"
Werking Artist Podcast: "Ep #5: Werking Out Criticism in the Arts"
BYU Radio, Top of Mind with Julie Rose: "A Story of Friendship, Letters, and Loss"
Writers' Voices: "Letters from Max-Sarah Ruhl"
The Slowdown Podcast : "#370: I Will Praise Your Plain Songs"
Place/Settings: Berkeley: "S19-20, Repisode #8: In Conversation with Sarah Ruhl"
Jefferson Public Radio, The Jefferson Exchange: "Playwright Writes of Young Friend's" Death
Write the Book: "Interview #540: Conversations on Craft: Sarah Ruhl"
Place/Settings: Berkeley: "10-The Character Actor, by Sarah Ruhl"
The Scene Podcast: "Sarah Ruhl on Democracy and Why Trump is a Great Tapeworm"
Person Place Thing: "Ep #106: Jessica Hecht & Sarah Ruhl"
NY Public Radio, WYNC: "Sarah Ruhl's Passion Play"
NYPublic Radio, WYNC: "In The Next Room, or the vibrator play"
NY Public Radio, WYNC: "Eurydice Comes Back to Life"
NPR Morning Edition: "Playwright Sarah Ruhl Entertains with Big Ideas"
NY Public Radio, WYNC: "Eurydice Speaks"
Photo by Zack DeZon
Photo by John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Photo by Heather Phelps-Lipton